Wireless Sensor network (WSN) is a collection of sensor nodes deployed in an ad hoc manner. Some of its limitations are in terms of limited energy resource, lifetime, memory, processing power, bandwidth and large latencies. It is battery powered and is deployed in remote areas. Due to these limitations, data aggregation and data analysis is a huge concern for sensor networks. Localized measurements and detailed information of each sensor is gathered as it has personal and direct connection with the physical environment. The data is concern with different data classes and different data formats. Data needs to be converted in different formats for generating information which results in data mining. Once the data has been gathered, the user can process and store the data to perform complex filtering and action triggering functions. Until now, the data analysis of WSN is done on the application basis. We propose a single point interface for data analysis of the data gathered or collected through wireless sensor networks. Thus, the researchers can now avail the facility of any type of data analysis for data gathered through WSN using the interface which we provide.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Neetu Agarwal
Sheshang Degadwala
Disha Shah

Number of pages:


Published on:



Informatics, IT