Ever since the dawn of Humankind, early humans have sought to understand the cosmos. They have come up with a view that divides the cosmos into a known world of life on earth and an unseen world, that is thought to be more powerful than humans, a world of spirits and occult forces. Early shamans attempted to tap that power using ritual. They fashioned their rites in a manner that allowed them to connect the moral order of society with occult powers. This book explores some of the ways in which humans have used divination, rituals and shamanic practices to contact the Occult World.
Book Details: |
ISBN-13: |
978-620-2-31365-0 |
ISBN-10: |
620231365X |
EAN: |
9786202313650 |
Book language: |
English |
By (author) : |
Dr. Eugene Mendonsa |
Number of pages: |
428 |
Published on: |
2018-07-06 |
Category: |
Social structural research |