Ethical Role of Statutory Auditors on Corporate Scams

Ethical Role of Statutory Auditors on Corporate Scams

Ethical Role of Statutory Auditors on Corporate Scams in Safeguarding Stakeholders’ Interest: An Empirical Study

Scholar's Press ( 2015-01-26 )

€ 89,90

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Corporate accounting scams have become an issue of major significance in the public arena at national as well as international level since the shocking revelation of the financial difficulties of Enron and a succession of other companies such as WorldCom, Satyam and others. These corporate failures and accounting scandals have shaken the foundations of investors’ confidence in the transparency, integrity and accountability of corporations and capital markets.Statutory auditors’ independence has been impaired and ethical responsibility of them has not been performed effectively. As a result, stakeholders’ interest are not safeguarded to a great extent. In this backdrop, with a view to making an empirical study on ethical role of statutory auditors in protection of stakeholders’ interest in the context of corporate accounting scandals,the study has been made through five chapters.This Research Book has been designed to meet the needs of students pursuing mainly research Work and post-graduate as well as professional courses in commerce, management and finance.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Siddhartha Sankar Saha

Number of pages:


Published on:



Law, Occupation, Finances