A Study of Social and Cultural Criticism

A Study of Social and Cultural Criticism

of the Contemporary Persian Novel

Scholar's Press ( 2025-02-21 )

€ 74,90

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The sociology of literature, especially in the field of dramatic literature, is a less well-known field for researchers. Part of this alienation is due to the necessity of familiarizing oneself with the two disciplines of sociology and dramatic literature simultaneously, which is limiting in its own way, and another part is due to the relative lack of work in this field. This book has a 11 Chapters including: Chapter I, Introduction; Chapter II, A Study of the Social and Cultural Criticism of the Poor: A Tour of Poor Paris; Chapter III, Crime and Punishment: From Righteousness to Acceptance of Punishment; Chapter IV, Baba Goriot, the Foundation of Balzac's Works and His Social Criticism; Chapter V, Doctor Zhivago: The War and Its Consequences; Chapter VI, Oliver Twist: A Critique of Industrial Society in England; Chapter VII, Stranger in the City: A Narrative of Wandering in Society; Chapter VIII, The Stray Dog: A Symbolic and Bitter Picture; Chapter IX, A Review of Two Books: 53 People (Bozorg Alavi) and Zamin Sokhte (Ahmad Mahmoud); Chapter X, Scorched Earth: The Imposed War and Its Social Impact; Chapter XI, Kalider: The Struggle against the Serfdom System, and References.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Amin Hadavi

Number of pages:


Published on:



Language and literature science