Mobile Ad-hoc network (MANET) is a special type of infrastructureless wireless network composed of mobile nodes. No base station is required for communication between them. The factors that affect the performance of the routing protocols in MANET are limited bandwidth, battery power and security. The use of flooding technique in all reactive protocols like AODV, DSR, OLSR, etc during route discovery process resulted in excess of RREQ packets. In large network, this technique results in thousands of unwanted control packets which are roaming in the network. These control packets increase the routing overhead and hence the energy consumption of each node which in turn reduces the lifetime of the network. Therefore there is a need of a protocols which can overcome these problems. The main aim of this book is to discuss the developed energy efficient protocol which not only reduce the energy consumption and routing overhead of each node and increase network lifetime. Developed protocols are ECG_AODV, ECNC_AODV, EBG_AODV and E+NC+G algorithms. The performance of all this routing protocols is analyzed and compare with the existing AODV protocol.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Dhiraj Nitnaware
Manisha Nitnaware

Number of pages:


Published on:



Data communication, networks