Binary Regular LDPC codes

Binary Regular LDPC codes

Performance Evaluation of Short Block Codes

Scholar's Press ( 2019-11-06 )

€ 45,90

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LDPC code shows a good performance with long-block codes. However, certain channels are constrained to use short-block codes due to latency. Therefore, concatenated LDPC codes with iterative decoding are a good choice to get a good performance. Concatenated binary LDPC codes were introduced as a class of concatenated codes in which the LDPC codes are irregular codes having different parameters. Although irregular LDPC codes are more efficient than regular codes, irregular LDPC codes have an error floor and a higher encoding complexity than regular code.In order to get a good performance/complexity trade-off with a short-block code, a concatenation of two identical regular binary LDPC codes, using an interleaver is used. This code outperforms a single LDPC code, needs less time decoding delay than a single LDPC code with the same iteration number. Also, this code needs a less number of iterations to achieve the same performance of a single LDPC code that leads to less decoding complexity and decoding delay.

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By (author) :

Latifa Mostari
Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed

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Programming language