Brain is recognized as one of the complex organ of the human body. Abnormal formation of cells may affect the normal functioning of the brain. These abnormal cells may belong to category of benign cells resulting in low grade glioma or malignant cells resulting in high grade glioma. The treatment plans vary according to grade of glioma detected. This results in need of precise glioma grading. As per World Health Organization, biopsy is considered to be gold standard in glioma grading. Biopsy is an invasive procedure which may contains sampling errors. Biopsy may also contain subjectivity errors. This motivated the clinician to look for other methods which may overcome the limitations of biopsy reports. Machine learning and deep learning approaches using MRI is considered to be most promising alternative approach reported by scientist in literature. The presented work were based on the concept of AdaBoost approach which is an ensemble learning approach. The developed model was optimized w.r.t to two hyper parameters i.e. no. of estimators and learning rate keeping the base model fixed.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Sanjeet Pandey
Dr. Sheshang Degadwala
Dr. Vineet Kumar Singh

Number of pages:


Published on:



Informatics, IT