Search results for: "Project Team in Refurbishment Projects"

To Alpha Centauri in a box and beyond: motion in Rel. Quant. Info

Towards a better understanding of the effects of relativity on quantum information tasks

- ISBN: 978-3-639-70502-7

€ 89,90

HIV and Hepatitis C in injecting drug users in Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Prevalence, HIV/Hepatitis C co-infection rate and associated factors

- ISBN: 978-3-639-71513-2

€ 29,90

Impacts of hydropower on farmers’ livelihoods in Vietnam

A case study of the Buon Tua Srah hydropower project

- ISBN: 978-620-2-30469-6

€ 45,90

Property Transformation, Marketization and Wealth Inequality in China

Evidence From Chinese Household Income Project Survey 1988,1995 and 2002

- ISBN: 978-3-639-51828-3

€ 38,90

Historiographic Metafiction in Postmodern Women's Fiction:

Laila Lalami's "The Moor's Account" and Jeanette winterson's "The Passion"

- ISBN: 978-620-2-31054-3

€ 45,90