Farming of the brine-shrimp Artemia franciscana in Vietnam salt ponds

Farming of the brine-shrimp Artemia franciscana in Vietnam salt ponds

Effects of temperature and salinity

Scholar's Press ( 2013-03-07 )

€ 68,00

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Artemia from San Francisco Bay (SFB) was inoculated in Vinh Chau (Vietnam) salt fields to study its adaptation to a novel environment. Response of SFB to Vinh Chau environment was mainly considered as affected by two major abiotic parameters : salinity and temperature. However, strain/generation differentiations were mainly found in cyst production and rarely in survival, number of oviparous females and brood sizes. Differences in life characteristics were displayed as an effect of different temperatures, not different salinities. At 30°C at both salinities SFB showed lower numbers of broods, lower total number of offspring, and shorter life span compared to VC and to its following generations. Nevertheless, a successful transplantation of SFB to the site is feasible, as later generations show better survival and higher production, compared to the original inoculum. Responses of SFB to a warmer climate in Vinh Chau and the gradual establishment in the field through following generations is certainly related to the capacity of the strain to protect itself to heat exposure and to some extent it depends on genetic aspects which need, however, further investigation and reconfirmation.

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By (author) :

Hoa Nguyen van

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Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishery, nutrition