Honey Doped CeO2 Nanoparticles and Their Opto-electronic Studies

Honey Doped CeO2 Nanoparticles and Their Opto-electronic Studies

Development and Characterization Techniques of Natural Honey/CeO2 Nanoparticles and Their Optical Properties

Scholar's Press ( 2023-03-21 )

€ 50,90

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The synthesis of nanocomposites by doping four different types of honey, Ajwain honey, Multifloral honey, Coriander honey, and Tulsi honey, into cerium oxide through reflux method has been successfully carried out. The characterization techniques such as XRD, SEM, EDAX, and FTIR analysis were used to determine the properties and behavior of the nanocomposites. Natural Honey is used as stabilizing and reducing agent. The synthesized Honey/CeO2 is further studied using XRD, SEM, FTIR, EDAX and UV-Visible spectroscopy. Different types of Honey/CeO2 were also assessed for optical studies. Overall, the results of the synthesis and characterization of the nanocomposites provide valuable insights into the potential applications of honey-doped cerium oxide nanocomposites in the field of nanotechnology. The diverse properties exhibited by the synthesized nanocomposites indicate their potential use in various applications such as catalysis, sensors, and energy storage devices. Further research is required to explore and exploit the potential applications of these nanocomposites.

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By (author) :

Dr. Mylarappa M.
Chandruvasn S.
Dr. Kantharaju S.

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