Artemia biomass production and its use in aquaculture in Vietnam

Artemia biomass production in salt ponds and use as feed ingredient for aquaculture species

Ngoc Anh Nguyen Thi, Hoa Nguyen van, Patrick Sorgeloos - ISBN: 978-3-639-51074-4

€ 79,00

Cocoyam Marketing in South East Nigeria

Patience Opata - ISBN: 978-3-639-51159-8

€ 68,00

Implant Imaging for Beginners

Pathways to Implant Imaging and Assessment

Siddharth Gupta - ISBN: 978-3-639-51146-8

€ 49,00

X-ray Crystallography

Structure Determination

M. Nizam Mohideen - ISBN: 978-3-639-51009-6

€ 79,00

Molecular Studies of Important Species of Astragalus L. (Fabaceae)

Molecular systematics of Astragalus rhizanthus complex

Kumar Kamal Anand, Lal Babu Chaudhary - ISBN: 978-3-639-51127-7

€ 59,90

Camels Nasal Myiasis

Immunogenic modulators and genetic investigation

Seham Hendawy - ISBN: 978-3-639-51114-7

€ 59,00

Bioinformatics Software for Metabolic and Health Care Data Management

Software Analysis, Design and Development towards MFA, HCDM and MIDA

Zeeshan Ahmed - ISBN: 978-3-639-51152-9

€ 79,00

Creating Chemical Space & Evaluation of their Biological Activities

Discovery of New Antioxidants and Synthesis of Sultam Libraries as Novel Potential Therapeutic Agents

Hina Siddiqui, Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary - ISBN: 978-3-639-51106-2

€ 68,00

Conditions For Creation Of Potential Development In Vygotsy's ZPD

The Effect of Proportional Reasoning Ability on Potential Development in the Zone of Proximal Development

Elisabeth Ann Brenner - ISBN: 978-3-639-51139-0

€ 68,00

Hydrological Modelling using Process based and Data Driven Models

Process-based and Neural Network Modelling in Hydrology

Ajai Singh, Mohd. Imtiyaz - ISBN: 978-3-639-51107-9

€ 79,00