It's about time

Aspects of the Israeli verb system

Nurit Dekel - ISBN: 978-3-639-51215-1

€ 79,00

Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) Technique

Principles, the typically used methods,classification and applications

Hassan Abdulmouti - ISBN: 978-3-639-51249-6

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Luminescence spectroscopy of lanthanides

Optical properties of lanthanide-doped oxide materials

Kadathala Linganna, C.K. Jayasankar - ISBN: 978-3-639-51236-6

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Change Management in Different Cultures

India, China and Estonia

Ülle Pihlak - ISBN: 978-3-639-51048-5

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A Planet Of The Planet

Pramod Kumar Purohit - ISBN: 978-3-639-51212-0

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Symbiotic Efficiency of Bradyrhizobium japonicum Strains For Soybean

Need of Biofertilizers; specially Bradyrhizobium japonicum

Shobhit Singh - ISBN: 978-3-639-51183-3

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ASIC Design of the Opensparc T1 Processor Core

Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed Farag - ISBN: 978-3-639-51229-8

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Essays on Inflation Targeting

Marjan Petreski - ISBN: 978-3-639-51245-8

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Branding Customers as King! Bull Shit

Vincent Wee Eng Kim, Vivien Wee Mui Eik, Thinavan Periyayya - ISBN: 978-3-639-51241-0

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Modeling Multi-period Corporate Defaults

Macro, Contagion and Frailty Effects in Default Clustering

Tuohua Wu - ISBN: 978-3-639-51227-4

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